RRB, CEN 02/2014 – Recruitment of 6101 Jr. Engineer/ Sr. Section Engineer, Etc. Last Dt. 19/10/2014
Railway Recruitment Boards is recruiting 6101 posts of Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant, Senior Section Engineer, and Chief Depot Material Superintendent.Centralised Employment Notice No. 02/2014. Candidates willing to apply for the vacancies may apply throughOnline Application form (See URL below) . Education Qualification norms and brief details are given below:—
1. Sr.Section Engineer/ P-Way
Number of Vacancies: 282 Nos. (Gen-136; SC-41; ST-31; OBC-74). Out of total vacancies, 23 for Ex-Serv and for 02 for PH (OH)
Number of Vacancies: 282 Nos. (Gen-136; SC-41; ST-31; OBC-74). Out of total vacancies, 23 for Ex-Serv and for 02 for PH (OH)
2. Sr.Section Engineer/ Bridge
Number of Vacancies: 54 Nos. (Gen-28; SC-08; ST-05; OBC-13). Out of total vacancies, 06 for Ex- Ser.
Number of Vacancies: 54 Nos. (Gen-28; SC-08; ST-05; OBC-13). Out of total vacancies, 06 for Ex- Ser.
3. Sr.Section Engineer (Works)
Number of Vacancies: 208 Nos. (Gen-106; SC-29; ST-14; OBC-59). Out of total vacancies, 18 for Ex -Ser and 01for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 208 Nos. (Gen-106; SC-29; ST-14; OBC-59). Out of total vacancies, 18 for Ex -Ser and 01for PH (OH).
4. Sr.Section Engineer Drawing (Civil)
Number of Vacancies: 82 Nos. (Gen-42; SC-12; ST-6; OBC-22). Out of total vacancies, 7 for Ex-Serv and 02 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 82 Nos. (Gen-42; SC-12; ST-6; OBC-22). Out of total vacancies, 7 for Ex-Serv and 02 for PH (OH).
5. Sr.Section Engineer Estimator
Number of Vacancies: 4 Nos. (Gen-3 and SC-1)
Number of Vacancies: 4 Nos. (Gen-3 and SC-1)
6. Sr.Section Engineer (Reaserch) Engineering
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-2)
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-2)
Educational qualification (from Sl. No. 1 to Sl. No. 6 posts): 4yrs Degree in Civil Engineering OR a Combination of any sub stream of Basic streams of Civil Engineering.
7. Sr. Section Engineer (Workshop)
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1)
Educational Qualification: Degree in Civil / Electrical /Mechanical Engineering.
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1)
Educational Qualification: Degree in Civil / Electrical /Mechanical Engineering.
8. Sr.Section Engineer (Mechanical) (Workshop)
Number of Vacancies: 121 Nos. (Gen-56; SC-15; ST-14; OBC-36) out of total vacancies, 9 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 121 Nos. (Gen-56; SC-15; ST-14; OBC-36) out of total vacancies, 9 for Ex-Serv.
9. Sr.Section Engineer Mechanical
Number of Vacancies: 65 Nos. (Gen-29; SC-12; ST-6; OBC-18) out of total vacancies, 3 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 65 Nos. (Gen-29; SC-12; ST-6; OBC-18) out of total vacancies, 3 for Ex-Serv.
10. Sr.Section Engineer Carriage & Wagon
Number of Vacancies: 250 Nos. (Gen-126; SC-36; ST-21; OBC-67) out of total vacancies, 17 for Ex-Serv and 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 250 Nos. (Gen-126; SC-36; ST-21; OBC-67) out of total vacancies, 17 for Ex-Serv and 1 for PH (OH).
11. Sr.Section Engineer/ Dsl Mechanical
Number of Vacancies: 39 Nos. (Gen-17; SC-8; ST-3; OBC-11) out of total vacancies, 2 for PH (HH).
Number of Vacancies: 39 Nos. (Gen-17; SC-8; ST-3; OBC-11) out of total vacancies, 2 for PH (HH).
12. Sr.Section Engineer/ Dsl Electrical
Number of Vacancies: 25 Nos. (Gen-7; SC-6; ST-3; OBC-9).
Number of Vacancies: 25 Nos. (Gen-7; SC-6; ST-3; OBC-9).
13. Sr. Section Engineer/ Dsl (A)
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and OBC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and OBC-1).
14. Sr.Section Engineer/ Loco
Number of Vacancies: 5 Nos. (Gen-4 and SC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 5 Nos. (Gen-4 and SC-1).
15. Sr.Section Engineer J&T (Jig & Tools) /(Drawing/ Design &Drawing)Mechanical
Number of Vacancies: 11 Nos. (Gen-6; SC-1; ST-1; OBC-3) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 11 Nos. (Gen-6; SC-1; ST-1; OBC-3) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
16. Section Engineer/ Drawing
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1).
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1).
17. Sr.Section Engineer(Design) Mechanical
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-2).
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-2).
18. Sr.Section Engineer (Engg Workshop)
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and OBC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and OBC-1).
19. Sr. Section Engineer S&T Workshop
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and SC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and SC-1).
20. Sr. Section Engineer /Mechanical/ Dy.Car/ BG & MG
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1).
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1).
Educational Qualification (form Sl.No.8 to Sl.No.20 posts): 4yrs Degree in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Manufacturing / Mechatronics / Industrial / Machining / Instrumentation & Control/ Tools & Machining / Tools & Die Making / Automobile / Production Engineering or a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Manufacturing / Mechatronics / Industrial / Machining / Instrumentation & Control / Tools & Machining / Tools & Die Making / Automobile / Production Engineering.
21. Sr.Section Engineer Electrical/ Electrical(GS)
Number of Vacancies: 259 Nos. (Gen-140; SC-34; ST-21; OBC-64) out of total vacancies, 19 for Ex-Serv and 4 for PH (3-OH; 1-HH).
Number of Vacancies: 259 Nos. (Gen-140; SC-34; ST-21; OBC-64) out of total vacancies, 19 for Ex-Serv and 4 for PH (3-OH; 1-HH).
22. Sr.Section Engineer Electrical Operations
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and OBC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and OBC-1).
23. Sr.Section Engineer Electrical Maintenance
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (OBC-1)
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (OBC-1)
24. Sr.Section Engineer Electrical (TRD)
Number of Vacancies: 47 Nos. (Gen-24; SC-7; ST-3; OBC-13) out of total vacancies, 3 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 47 Nos. (Gen-24; SC-7; ST-3; OBC-13) out of total vacancies, 3 for Ex-Serv.
25. Sr.Section Engineer Electrical (TRS)
Number of Vacancies: 12 Nos. (Gen-8; SC-1; ST-1; OBC-2).
Number of Vacancies: 12 Nos. (Gen-8; SC-1; ST-1; OBC-2).
26. Sr.Section Engineer Electrical /RS
Number of Vacancies: 7 Nos. (Gen-5 and OBC-2).
Number of Vacancies: 7 Nos. (Gen-5 and OBC-2).
27. Sr.Section Engineer (Drawing/Design&Drawing) Electrical
Number of Vacancies: 25 Nos. (Gen-13; SC-3; ST-3; OBC-6) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 25 Nos. (Gen-13; SC-3; ST-3; OBC-6) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv.
Educational Qualification (from Sl.No.21 to Sl.No.27): 4 yrs Degree in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics Engineering or a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics Engineering.
28. Sr.Section Engineer (Signal)
Number of Vacancies: 121 Nos. (Gen-67; SC-15; ST-10; OBC-29) out of total vacancies, 10 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 121 Nos. (Gen-67; SC-15; ST-10; OBC-29) out of total vacancies, 10 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
29. Sr.Section Engineer (Telecommunication)
Number of Vacancies: 65 Nos. (Gen-30; SC-11; ST-8; OBC-16) out of total vacancies, 5 for Ex-Serv and 1 for PH (OH)
Number of Vacancies: 65 Nos. (Gen-30; SC-11; ST-8; OBC-16) out of total vacancies, 5 for Ex-Serv and 1 for PH (OH)
30. Sr.Section Engineer Drawing/ S&T
Number of Vacancies: 4 Nos. (Gen- 2; SC-1; OBC-1)
Number of Vacancies: 4 Nos. (Gen- 2; SC-1; OBC-1)
31. Sr. Section Engineer(Research) Instrumentation
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (SC-1 and ST-1)
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (SC-1 and ST-1)
Educational Qualification (from Sl.No.28 to Sl.No.31 posts): 4 yrs Degree in Electrical / Electronics / Information Technology / Communication Engineering or M.Sc Electronics or a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Electrical / Electronics / Information Technology / Communication Engineering.
32. Sr.Section Engineer (Track Machine)
Number of Vacancies: 79 Nos. (Gen-42; SC-8; ST-8; OBC-21) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 79 Nos. (Gen-42; SC-8; ST-8; OBC-21) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv.
Educational Qualification: 4 Yrs Degree in Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation & Control Engineering.
33. Sr.Section Engineer (Printing Press)
Number of Vacancies: 12 Nos. (Gen-7; SC-2; OBC-3) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 12 Nos. (Gen-7; SC-2; OBC-3) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
Educational Qualification: Degree in Mechanical / Electrical / Printing Enigeering or Printing
technology and two years experience in Printing Press.
technology and two years experience in Printing Press.
34. Sr. Section Engineer / Melt
Number of Vacancies: 3 Nos. (Gen-2 and OBC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 3 Nos. (Gen-2 and OBC-1).
Educational Qualification: Degree in Engineering in Mechanical / Metallurgical / Foundry Engineering.
35. Chief Depot Material Superindent
Number of Vacancies: 52 Nos. (Gen-24; SC-7; ST-6 OBC-15) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv. ; 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 52 Nos. (Gen-24; SC-7; ST-6 OBC-15) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv. ; 1 for PH (OH).
Educational Qualification: Degree in Engineering in any discipline.
36. Junior Engineer (P-Way)
Number of Vacancies: 517 Nos. (Gen-271; SC-71; ST-49; OBC-126) out of total vacancies, 44 for Ex-Serv. ; 8 for PH (7-OH; 1-HH).
Number of Vacancies: 517 Nos. (Gen-271; SC-71; ST-49; OBC-126) out of total vacancies, 44 for Ex-Serv. ; 8 for PH (7-OH; 1-HH).
37. Junior Engineer (Works)
Number of Vacancies: 185 Nos. (Gen-84; SC-28; ST-19; OBC-54) out of total vacancies, 13 for Ex-Serv.; 3 for PH (1-OH; 2-HH).
Number of Vacancies: 185 Nos. (Gen-84; SC-28; ST-19; OBC-54) out of total vacancies, 13 for Ex-Serv.; 3 for PH (1-OH; 2-HH).
38. Junior Engineer (Bridge)
Number of Vacancies: 76 Nos. (Gen-34; SC-12; ST-8; OBC-22) out of total vacancies, 6 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 76 Nos. (Gen-34; SC-12; ST-8; OBC-22) out of total vacancies, 6 for Ex-Serv.
39. Junior Engineer Drawing/ Drawing & Design (Civil)
Number of Vacancies: 167 Nos. (Gen-79; SC-31; ST-12; OBC-45) out of total vacancies, 10 for Ex-Serv. and 11 for PH (7-OH and 4-HH).
Number of Vacancies: 167 Nos. (Gen-79; SC-31; ST-12; OBC-45) out of total vacancies, 10 for Ex-Serv. and 11 for PH (7-OH and 4-HH).
40. Junior Engineer Estimator / Sr. Estimator
Number of Vacancies: 17 Nos. (Gen-5; SC-3; ST-3; OBC-6) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 17 Nos. (Gen-5; SC-3; ST-3; OBC-6) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
41. Junior Engineer (Design) Civil
Number of Vacancies: 20 Nos. (Gen-15; SC-4; OBC-1) out of total vacancies, 3 for Ex-Serv. And 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 20 Nos. (Gen-15; SC-4; OBC-1) out of total vacancies, 3 for Ex-Serv. And 1 for PH (OH).
42. Junior Section Engineer (Reaserch) Engineering
Number of Vacancies: 6 Nos. (Gen-6 and 1-Ex-Serv.).
Number of Vacancies: 6 Nos. (Gen-6 and 1-Ex-Serv.).
Educational Qualification (Sl.No. 36 to Sl.No. 42 Posts): 3yrs Diploma in Civil Engineering or B.Sc in Civil Engineering and a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Civil Engineering.
43. Junior Engineer (Mechanical Workshop)
Number of Vacancies: 446 Nos. (Gen-225; SC-76; ST-35; OBC-110) out of total vacancies, 40 for Ex-Serv. And 12 for PH (11-OH & 1-HH).
Number of Vacancies: 446 Nos. (Gen-225; SC-76; ST-35; OBC-110) out of total vacancies, 40 for Ex-Serv. And 12 for PH (11-OH & 1-HH).
44. Junior Engineer (W/Shop) Engine Development
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (OBC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (OBC-1).
45. Junior Engineer Mechanical
Number of Vacancies: 242 Nos. (Gen-131; SC-31; ST-22; OBC-58) out of total vacancies, 23 for Ex-Serv. And 16 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 242 Nos. (Gen-131; SC-31; ST-22; OBC-58) out of total vacancies, 23 for Ex-Serv. And 16 for PH (OH).
46. Junior Engineer Carriage & Wagon (Open Line)
Number of Vacancies: 542 Nos. (Gen-271; SC-86; ST-42; OBC-143) out of total vacancies, 42 for Ex-Serv. And 8 for PH (7-OH & 1-HH).
Number of Vacancies: 542 Nos. (Gen-271; SC-86; ST-42; OBC-143) out of total vacancies, 42 for Ex-Serv. And 8 for PH (7-OH & 1-HH).
47. Junior Engineer Mechanical
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and SC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 and SC-1).
48. Junior Engineer Mechanical (MWT)
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-2).
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-2).
49. Junior Engineer (Research) Mechanical
Number of Vacancies: 3 Nos. (Gen-1 and OBC-2).
Number of Vacancies: 3 Nos. (Gen-1 and OBC-2).
50. Junior Engineer Diesel Mechanical
Number of Vacancies: 162 Nos. (Gen-86; SC-23; ST-13; OBC-40) out of total vacancies, 11 for Ex-Serv. And 2 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 162 Nos. (Gen-86; SC-23; ST-13; OBC-40) out of total vacancies, 11 for Ex-Serv. And 2 for PH (OH).
51. Junior Engineer Diesel Electrical
Number of Vacancies: 80 Nos. (Gen-39; SC-18; ST-8; OBC-20) out of total vacancies, 3 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 80 Nos. (Gen-39; SC-18; ST-8; OBC-20) out of total vacancies, 3 for Ex-Serv.
52. Junior Engineer OH (OA, OL) Loco
Number of Vacancies: 27 Nos. (Gen-12; SC-4; ST-3; OBC-8) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv. 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 27 Nos. (Gen-12; SC-4; ST-3; OBC-8) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv. 1 for PH (OH).
53. Junior Engineer (Drawing/Design/ Designing& Drawing) Mechanical/ Mechanical Design
Number of Vacancies: 73 Nos. (Gen-29; SC-10; ST-8; OBC-26) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv. And 3 for PH (2-OH & 1-HH).
Number of Vacancies: 73 Nos. (Gen-29; SC-10; ST-8; OBC-26) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv. And 3 for PH (2-OH & 1-HH).
54. Junior Engineer J&T (Jig & Tools)
Number of Vacancies: 8 Nos. (Gen-4; SC-1 & OBC-3) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 8 Nos. (Gen-4; SC-1 & OBC-3) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
55. Junior Engineer (Design) Carriage & Wagon
Number of Vacancies: 8 Nos. (Gen-1; SC-3; ST-2 & OBC-2) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 8 Nos. (Gen-1; SC-3; ST-2 & OBC-2) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
Educational Qualification (from Sl.No. 43 to Sl.No. 55 posts): 3yrs Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Manufacturing/ Mechatronics / Industrial / Machining / Instrumentation & Control / Tools & Machining / Tools & Die Making / Automobile / Production Engineering or a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Mechanical Electrical / Electronics / Manufacturing / Mechatronics / Industrial / Machining / Instrumentation & Control / Tools & Machining / Tools & Die Making / Automobile / Production Engineering.
56. Junior Engineer Electrical/ Electrical General
Number of Vacancies: 479 Nos. (Gen-264; SC-51; ST-38; OBC-126) out of total vacancies, 39 for Ex-Serv. 12 for PH (1-VH; 8-OH & 3-HH).
Number of Vacancies: 479 Nos. (Gen-264; SC-51; ST-38; OBC-126) out of total vacancies, 39 for Ex-Serv. 12 for PH (1-VH; 8-OH & 3-HH).
57. Junior Engineer Electrical/ TRD
Number of Vacancies: 88 Nos. (Gen-39; SC-12; ST-9; OBC-28) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 88 Nos. (Gen-39; SC-12; ST-9; OBC-28) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
58. Junior Engineer (Electrical)
Number of Vacancies: 10 Nos. (Gen-5; SC-3; OBC-2).
Number of Vacancies: 10 Nos. (Gen-5; SC-3; OBC-2).
59. Junior Engineer (Electrical/TRS
Number of Vacancies: 71 Nos. (Gen-35; SC-13; ST-7; OBC-16) out of total vacancies, 5 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 71 Nos. (Gen-35; SC-13; ST-7; OBC-16) out of total vacancies, 5 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
60. Junior Engineer (RS)
Number of Vacancies: 21 Nos. (Gen-10; SC-4; ST-2; OBC-5) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 21 Nos. (Gen-10; SC-4; ST-2; OBC-5) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
61. Junior Engineer (Design) Electrical
Number of Vacancies: 12 Nos. (Gen-6; ST-1;OBC-5) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.and 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 12 Nos. (Gen-6; ST-1;OBC-5) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.and 1 for PH (OH).
62. Junior Engineer (Drawing/Design/ Design & Drawing) Electrical
Number of Vacancies: 67 Nos. (Gen-29; SC-14; ST-4; OBC-20) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv. and 3 for PH (HH).
Number of Vacancies: 67 Nos. (Gen-29; SC-14; ST-4; OBC-20) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv. and 3 for PH (HH).
Educational Qualification (from Sl.No. 56 to Sl.No.62 posts): 3yrs Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics Engineering or a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics Engineering.
63. Junior Engineer (Signal)
Number of Vacancies: 189 Nos. (Gen-103; SC-29; ST-16; OBC-41) out of total vacancies, 13 for Ex-Serv. and 4 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 189 Nos. (Gen-103; SC-29; ST-16; OBC-41) out of total vacancies, 13 for Ex-Serv. and 4 for PH (OH).
64. Junior Engineer (Telecommunication)
Number of Vacancies: 164 Nos. (Gen-79; SC-29; ST-16; OBC-40) out of total vacancies, 12 for Ex-Serv. and 4 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 164 Nos. (Gen-79; SC-29; ST-16; OBC-40) out of total vacancies, 12 for Ex-Serv. and 4 for PH (OH).
65. Junior Engineer Drawing/ Drawing & Desing/ Signal/ S&T
Number of Vacancies: 35 Nos. (Gen-19; SC-3; ST-3; OBC-10) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 35 Nos. (Gen-19; SC-3; ST-3; OBC-10) out of total vacancies, 4 for Ex-Serv.
66. Junior Engineer / Estimator (S&T)
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1).
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1).
67. Junior Engineer Drawing
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (SC-1 & OBC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (SC-1 & OBC-1).
68. Junior Engineer S&T Workshop
Number of Vacancies: 3 Nos. (Gen-1; ST-1; OBC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 3 Nos. (Gen-1; ST-1; OBC-1).
69. Junior Engineer Not Suitable (Research) Instrumentation
Number of Vacancies: 9 Nos. (Gen-2; SC-2; ST-2; OBC-3) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 9 Nos. (Gen-2; SC-2; ST-2; OBC-3) out of total vacancies, 1 for Ex-Serv.
Educational Qualification (from Sl.No.63 to Sl.No.69 posts): 3yrs Diploma in Electrical / Electronics / Information Technology / Communication Engineering or a combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Electrical / Electronics / Information Technology / Communication Engineering.
70. Junior Engineer (IT)
Number of Vacancies: 93 Nos. (Gen-51; SC-11; ST-4; OBC-27) out of total vacancies, 7 for Ex-Serv. 2 for PH (1-Vh & 1-OH).
Educational Qualification: PGDCA / B.Sc (Computer Science) / BCA / DOEACC “A” level course of three years duration or equivalent.
Number of Vacancies: 93 Nos. (Gen-51; SC-11; ST-4; OBC-27) out of total vacancies, 7 for Ex-Serv. 2 for PH (1-Vh & 1-OH).
Educational Qualification: PGDCA / B.Sc (Computer Science) / BCA / DOEACC “A” level course of three years duration or equivalent.
71. Junior Engineer (Track Machine)
Number of Vacancies: 109 Nos. (Gen-58; SC-16; ST-09; OBC-26) out of total vacancies, 6 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
Number of Vacancies: 109 Nos. (Gen-58; SC-16; ST-09; OBC-26) out of total vacancies, 6 for Ex-Serv. and 1 for PH (OH).
72. Junior Engineer Engg. Workshop
Number of Vacancies: 9 Nos. (Gen-5; SC-2; OBC-2).
Number of Vacancies: 9 Nos. (Gen-5; SC-2; OBC-2).
Educational Qualification (for above both posts Sl. No. 71 and Sl.No.72): 3yrs Diploma in Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation & Control Engineering.
73. Junior Engineer Not Suitable Plant
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1).
Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen-1).
Educational Qualification: Diploma in Mechanical / Electronics/ Productions / Automobile /Instrumentation / Electrical Engineering.
74. Junior Engineer (Printing Press)
Number of Vacancies: 18 Nos. (Gen-10; SC-2; ST-1; OBC-5) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 18 Nos. (Gen-10; SC-2; ST-1; OBC-5) out of total vacancies, 2 for Ex-Serv.
Educational Qualification: 1. Matriculation or its equivalent and State Diploma or All India Certificate in Printing Technology obtained after 3 years course.
75. Junior Engineer /Melt
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 & OBC-1).
Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen-1 & OBC-1).
Educational Qualification: Diploma in Mechanical / Metallurgical / Foundry Engineering. The Candidate should have a minimum 5 years experience of operating / handiling of atleast 20 ton capacity Electrical Arc Furnace in Melt Shop of Government or PSU Steel Plant or Reputed Steel Plant in Private Sector.
76. Depot Material Superindent
Number of Vacancies: 105 Nos. (Gen-45; SC-21; ST-5; OBC-34) out of total vacancies, 6 for Ex-Serv. and 3 for PH (2-OH & 1-HH).
Educational Qualification: Diploma in Engineering in any discipline.
Number of Vacancies: 105 Nos. (Gen-45; SC-21; ST-5; OBC-34) out of total vacancies, 6 for Ex-Serv. and 3 for PH (2-OH & 1-HH).
Educational Qualification: Diploma in Engineering in any discipline.
77. Chemical Metallurgical Assistant
Number of Vacancies: 179 Nos. (Gen-108; SC-26; ST-18; OBC-27) out of total vacancies, 14 for Ex-Serv.
Number of Vacancies: 179 Nos. (Gen-108; SC-26; ST-18; OBC-27) out of total vacancies, 14 for Ex-Serv.
Educational Qualification: Degree in Metallurgy / Chemical Engineering from Recognised Institution approved by AICTE (OR) M.Sc Degree in Chemistry / Applied Chemistry.
The vacancies are further breaks up into RRB’s wise. See the PDF file given below.
Pay Scales: Rs.9300/- to Rs.34800/- per month and JE Group – Grade pay Rs 4200/- (Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical &Metallurgical Assistant) and SSE Group – Grade pay Rs 4600/- (Senior Section Engineer, Chief Depot Material Superintendent),
Age Limit: 20 to 35 as on 1.01.2015 for Senior Section Engineer Group/Chief Depot Material Superindent/ Chemical Metallurgical Assistant and 18 to 33 as on 01.01.2015 for Junior Section Engineer Group/ Depot Material Superindent.
Examination Fee: Candidates must pay Rs. 100. By means of internet banking or debit/credit cards (service charges apply for all other banks, other than SBI, which will be borne by the candidates) or can be paid through challan in any branch of SBI or computerized Post Office Pay-In-Slip (service charges apply).
If the fee made through a challan at SBI branch, the receipt should be preserved. At the time of Document Verification, the same can be called for verification. After making payment of fee relevant details are required to be filled in the prescribed column of the ONLINE application.
No Examination Fee for SC/ST/PWD/Ex-SM/Woman/Minority/economically backward class candidates.
Mode of Selection: Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test.
The Written Test for Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant will be held on 14/12/2014 AND on 21.12.2014 for Senior Section Engineer and Chief Depot Material Superintendent.
Time and Venue for examination will be intimated in due course. Written Examination will be held on the same day by all participating RRBs.
The e-admit card to the eligible candidates shall be available TWO weeks before commencement of the written examination on the website of RRB concerned for downloading. No admit card will be sent to candidates by RRBs by post.
The Written Test for Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant will be held on 14/12/2014 AND on 21.12.2014 for Senior Section Engineer and Chief Depot Material Superintendent.
Time and Venue for examination will be intimated in due course. Written Examination will be held on the same day by all participating RRBs.
The e-admit card to the eligible candidates shall be available TWO weeks before commencement of the written examination on the website of RRB concerned for downloading. No admit card will be sent to candidates by RRBs by post.
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply online to any one RRB ONLY (separately for SSE and/or JE group, depending upon their eligibility) only through ONLINE application mode by visiting the website of RRB concerned.
For detailed instruction on how to apply online please see the officially released advertisement given below in PDF.
During submission of ONLINE application, a Registration Number will be issued to each applicant. Candidates are advised to preserve/note their Registration Number for further stages of recruitment process / correspondence with RRB concerned.
For detailed instruction on how to apply online please see the officially released advertisement given below in PDF.
During submission of ONLINE application, a Registration Number will be issued to each applicant. Candidates are advised to preserve/note their Registration Number for further stages of recruitment process / correspondence with RRB concerned.
Last Date for Online Applications: The ONLINE application, complete in all respects, can be submitted to RRB concerned upto 19.10.2014 till 23.59 Hrs.
For list of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) and their websites, please see the below given PDF file.
For list of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) and their websites, please see the below given PDF file.
Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt.
For complete details and application link, please see the following PDF file — See detailed Advt.
For complete details and application link, please see the following PDF file — See detailed Advt.
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nice blogg, i hope that blogg, sir please some more information about rrb recruitment
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